Week ending 6/12/2022

  • Experimenting with reusable contacts and it went decently, a bit better than the disposables I think. Still a bit uncomfortable after just a few hours though, and not as clear/reliable as far as vision quality vs. glasses. Might be an option though, deserves more testing.
  • Ongoing open source dating app engagement/work, but mostly mellowing I think… We have enough people focusing on the active areas, development/tech, and marketing/outreach, that I don’t have to do a lot. But I did have one day of spending a fair bit of time arguing in favor of a Discourse instance, which ultimately I gave up on. Frustrating, but heck, they may be right…
  • Enjoying initial use of herbs from the garden :slight_smile:
  • Really digging into consulting at last, shared my notes, had a meeting, found out where to send invoices, where to put notes, etc, etc. And that my contract may be through release, which could be 4-6 months! :astonished: Which is mostly good, I think. Certainly the extra income will be great.
  • Dinner at Fern Bar again, and some other indulgences, Nimble & Finn ice cream, Humphry Slocombe… hmm, my weight loss plan is kind of in shambles, I’m more hovering despite 3x/wk fasting. Not great. I mean… not too bad either, but I do want to test this. I think getting more exercise would help a fair bit though, even without further minimizing eating out, dessert, etc. (which to be fair I have already cut down on notably). Anyway, even if I don’t get to my target, it’s been a useful experiment and has helped me shift to somewhat more healthy habits around dessert.
  • More cocktail ingredient experiments and Spumoni Negroni test. Still needs a bit of work but getting there…
  • Sam escaped fully! And was out for a fair bit of time, 15-20 mins perhaps. She got into the neighbors’ yard (up the street). Fortunately they were home, let me into the back yard, but she had jumped out. Caught her back near the front porch of my place, fortunately she calmed down and came over to me. Could have been a lot worse. Maybe I should try leash training her again…
  • Vrie asked if I wanted to do something adventurous with her in the next few weeks. Yay! Of course I do. Researched some options, haven’t decided yet though
  • Finally back to watching TV with Vrie! And we switched to Stranger Things Season 4. Episodes are long, over 1hr each, so we only watched one. Horrific, but good to be back in this universe. Such great characters!
  • A bit of engagement on the AT forums actually. Some updates from a couple of people on the team, which felt a bit unsatisfying to me (and apparently to one of the other mods too, who had already replied). I responded, there was a little back and forth. They have good intention, but it all seems like reinventing the wheel at the very least over there. :roll_eyes: Oh yeah, also learned that V got fired! Wow. Wish he had just quit, he was better than that place…
  • Caz visit and some good conversation and reconnecting with Sid. And some interesting insights and info about her and Doug, their relationship, and more. Seems like there is potential for things to get better, for me to have people up to visit with me, and to make progress on addressing the code issues with the houses… Cautiously optimistic.
  • Also lots of interesting thoughts and insights on time management and other things on the way to/from Caz, and earlier in the week.